Final Fantasy VII - You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet Guiat Tab by colin Basnett ~Sample~ For a sample of me playing it, follow this may be outdated by the time you read this or it may be unable to access the file, but I'm sure you can get through. ~Tuning~ The tuning in this short song is used in a few pop/rock songs, it's the drop D tuning. The low E should be dropped down to a D, hence the name, drop D tuning. All other strings use the standard tuning... Legend / - 1 note pause // - 2 note pause e/--------------------------------------------------------/ B/--------------------------------------------------------/ G/--------------------------------------------------------/ D/-----0-----------0------------0-----------0------------/ A/---0---1---0---0---1---0---0---1---0---0---1----0-----/ D/-0-------5---0-------5---0-------5---0--------5----0--/ This is the repetition used at the beginning of the song, since this is only a one guitar tab, you can only play so much of the song. Let all the free notes (0's) drone to create a realistic effect. Especially the last note, because it will come into the next line of notes... e/-6-6-3-5-/-1-/-3-/-6-6-3-5-/-1-/------------------------/ B/---------------------------------------------------------/ G/---------------------------------------------------------/ D/---------------------------------------------------------/ A/---------------------------------------------------------/ D/---------------------------------------------------------/ The next bit of notes uses 3 notes at a time by strumming. The 3 lowest notes, D, A, and D. Don't be afraid to check for help on the sample. e/----------------------------------------------------------/ B/----------------------------------------------------------/ G/----------------------------------------------------------/ D/-2-//-//-//-//-2-/-5-//-//-3-/-0---------------------------/ A/-2-//-//-//-//-2-/-5-//-//-3-/-0---------------------------/ D/-2-//-//-//-//-2-/-5-//-//-3-/-0---------------------------/ Let all those chords ring and use the sample if you think the tab is inaccurate. After this chord sequence, move back to the second line of notes, then repeat the song again, and you're done! You can experiment with this song because it's so simple, perhaps adding some other notes on the side? It's up to you.